Tailored engineering
for 5G infrastructure

We design and build cell sites using technical expertise diversity, versatile approaches and evaluations. As a result they work perfectly to ensure given KPI's for
We are a team of civil & telecom engineers and tower constructors with extensive interdisciplinary experience. All you may need for a superior technical performance of your infrastructure
Totally more than 5000 towers have been designed by our group including 4G network built under our construction supervision for

Proven solutions for cities and rural areas

What we do to help mobile network operators deliver sustainable infrastructure and maximize network capacity & coverage

Tower structure calculation and design
- metal structures and their foundations calculation in accordance with Eurocode 3 requirements including steel tension, axis deviation and twisting due to (added) equipment weight, wind load, sun radiation etc.

- BIM modelling for sites that allows to easily manage the infrastructure after deployment and take into account surrounding conditions (georeferencing) to ensure a given level of signal quality.

- architectural design and implementing of custom types of poles and towers (of any shape) that fit into urban/rural landscape and integrate with existing infrastructure, e.g. power lines, electric vehicle contact network.

- 'Know-how' methods and approaches to calculations. Good ones with nodes and mechanisms calculated in detail bring long-lasting results. But this can only be understood after a few years, that's why we are proud to provide such solutions.
Cell site deployment 'to key'
- inspection, field tests and calculations of coverage and capacity, wind load, equipment weight load, tower weight load
- installation, start-up, commissioning and broadcasting of communication equipment according to base station configuration and antennas specifications along with power supplies, batteries and other equipment needed
- power supply, architectural drawings (metal structures (support body)), foundation calculations, power lines and fiber-optic links design to provide turnkey solution to the customer
- coordination of the project with the operator, the electromagnetic field supervision service, with the infrastructure company & landlords, with owners of the engineering networks that will pass next to the object
- cell site construction
- long-term maintenance of implemented solutions.
Network (or separate cell site) energy management
- MNO typically operates thousands of base stations, each base station possesses from 1 to 20 KWh of backup power battery capacity. These batteries may never be used or operates 1-5 cycles and is replaced every 2-3 years. This capacity can be aggregated and turned into a virtual storage plant to save power cost and provide additional value streams. The batteries can be cycled even without reducing the useful life of the batteries.
- Allocate battery capacity between virtual storage and backup, a real-time allocation model based on data collected from sensors, weather forecasts, grid failure statistics, traffic data etc. which is used to forecast the probability and duration of a power failure and the cost of cycling the battery and a lost traffic in case of a prolonged blackout.
- Storage capacity aggregation. Simultaneous control over hundreds of base station batteries
- Dispatch. An optimization algorithm that dispatches the capacity to achieve maximum savings and/or revenues
Sites network monitoring system
Monitoring system allows to significantly reduce idle visits of repair teams for recovery work related to someone else's equipment, reduce the time of recovery work due to the preparedness of operational teams for a specific accident, planning routes and choosing the optimal sequence of recovery work. For the management personnel, the system allows making an instant operational snapshot of the situation for all installed equipment, assessing the work of repair teams. The monitoring system consists of a hardware part, a server part and an operator's workstation.

The hardware part is located next to the towers and consists of modules that expand the functionality of the system - mentioned in previous tab 'Automatic control & performance monitoring'. The system can be configured for different tasks.

The server part is based on the Microsoft Azure cloud service, which allows for an almost endless increase in computing power without the need to replace server hardware, initially includes redundancy systems for data transmission channels, power supply, database replication, transparent switching to backup servers. Also, this service provides 24/7 equipment maintenance and takes care of all security tasks. The operator's workplace is implemented using WEB technologies, which allows you to have access to operational information about the entire infrastructure from anywhere.
Consulting services and technical expertise outsourcing
- give suggestions for improving and maintaining the coverage footprint under the constraint of external limitations

- identify and escalate significant changes in coverage footprint as a result of site design changes

- defend a technical point of view to reach agreements with landlords and existing infrastructure owners, provide necessary drawings and calculations for this purposes

- team strengthening for large-scale projects or perform the role of general designer for roll-out projects, involving several design organizations

- construction supervision for developed design projects

- conducting technical negotiations on behalf of the company
Automatic control & performance monitoring
We provide several types of controllers and devices to remotely monitor site electrical equipment:
Warning systems
GSM controller
The GSM controller polls electricity meters, phase controller availability voltage, controller for measuring leakage current, controls the relay unit via the bus RS-485-1. Expansion units can also be interrogated via this bus. External systems are polled via the second RS-485-2 bus.
Aircraft warning lights.
1. Power supply for 2 lines of 48V LED lamps up to 5 lamps per line.
2. Lamp monitoring: switching on, off, power consumption monitoring.
3. Powered by 2 independent power lines (main power supply and backup lines).
4. Automatic switching to backup power line in case of main power failure.
5. Lightning protection of barrier lights power lines.
ELM-DCM leakage current monitoring module
The ELM-DCM leakage current monitor module is designed to monitor the leakage current in electrical circuits connected after the device, as well as to monitor the presence of voltage at the device terminals. The module is recommended for installation at the switchboard input in systems with electrical equipment monitoring.
Bunker automatics controller
The Controller provides automatic operation of the reinforced concrete underground bunker. It performs safety functions, climate control and bunker interior lighting. The device allows to control relay units via MODBUS bus and to monitor temperature, gas and humidity sensors as well as electric meters.
RLY-220 relay module
The relay module RLY-220/16-6o6iD is designed for switching loads and monitoring dry contact inputs. It is possible to directly control each relay from the corresponding dry contact. It is not managed by default.
SNS-01 temperature and humidity measurement unit
The temperature and humidity measurement unit is designed for use in automated control systems for temperature and humidity control, with Modbus RTU interface.
Unit is available as a shellless version or can be mounted in the body. There are 4 wires for connection. The SHT31-DIS-B sensor element is used as a sensor
Monitoring system for mobile operators' switchboards
The monitoring system is designed for operational monitoring of the equipment technical condition at the points of presence of mobile operators. The introduction of this system allows to significantly reduce unnecessary visits of repair crews to repairing work associated with other people's equipment, reduce the time of repairing work due to the readiness of operational teams for a particular accident, route planning and selection of the optimal sequence of repairing work. For the managing personnel, the system allows to make an instant operative overview of a situation on all established equipment, to make an estimation of the upcoming works. The monitoring system consists of hardware, server parts and the operator's workplace
UCTRL-x voltage monitoring unit series
Voltage monitoring unit is designed for:
- switchboard voltage monitoring
- controlling the state of the dry contacts inputs.
Unit is equipped with an internal battery (ion based assembly), which allows to continue operating for some time after power failure, as well as to power external devices.
SRP-PWR-12 unit
The unit is intended for organization of the battery 12V charging and control. With next functions:
- battery charging
- battery monitoring
- SRP-PWR status and modes of operation display
- SRP-PWR remote status monitoring
- control of the battery heating element or panel heating (custom-made)
- monitoring of the seal switch or clean contact (custom-made)

What we do to help tower companies increase tenancy ratio and add new services to portfolio

Site audit and performance measurement
Wind load is one of the factors allowing maneuvering the placement of equipment on the tower. Since it can be less in specific area tower could bear more equipment and gain more profit. However, survey for determining REAL wind load and steel tension, axis deviation and twisting is expensive.

- our solution is 100 km range drone that collects appropriate for calculations data using anemometer, inclinometer and tension sensor onboard. It sticks to the tower, collects data itself and flies away, it also measures cell signal strength.

- laser scanning allows us to create BIM model of your tower for you to exactly know what is on it. And 24/7 telemetry account access option allows to collect big data to evaluate real tower load capacity or predict tower overload
Existing site upgrade / tower strengthening
With the desire to have more tenants on one tower and the resulting necessity for base station placement, adding new antennas or even adding new sections to the tower comes the requirement to ensure that new tower/equipment weight load won't cause radio relay antenna axis deviation or unacceptable steel tension.

– tower strength calculation in different formulations of the problem and different hypotheses is what we can be helpful with. Providing digital, mathematical and physical model based on audit information provided.
HighVoltageDC Power Hub design & installation
Creation of an integrated power supply system for MNOs' equipment: providing power supply cabinet and backup 48V with remote management, single for all tenants, that provides:
- freeing up space on the pole by minimizing the number of (power) cabinets (in some cases up to 9 times)
- power grid reserve creation: it makes possible to supply more power without changing the wires
- allocation of power to operators based on real consumption: currently power allocated to operators is "by default 5 kW", an increase leads to additional costs
- switching to revenue share accounting and tariff maneuvering as next steps
Cell site extention
- in case there is not enough space on the tower, we can arrange it underground, increase the capacity of overloaded towers by replacing the foundation with another one with the possibility of placing additional equipment to the underground bunker

- since edge computing as a service is starting to add value to the customers and tenants of tower company because of fast data processing near the consumer of information, and we already have experience in placing shelters underground, you may be interested in moving your servers and other computing hardware just under your cell site foundation.
Access control systems
To ensure only the right people have access to the right parts of each site we at the moment produce access control units that solve site access issues using:
- control of the electromagnetic lock opener
- indication of the lock status
- reception of the code sequence from the keypad
- lock control from the internal opening button
- light and sound indication of the correctness of the entered state
- remote monitoring of the status and control of the ACS through the wired RS485 interface using the MODBUS protocol

However what's key for us is ensuring the customer maintain an accurate asset inventory, and track the relationship between the site visit and what's changed as a result of that visit. Smart site access is not just about safety and duty of care, it's also about avoiding undue stress to landlord relationships, and that means having an accurate digital representation of what is on a site to minimise site visits - that is what we are working on at the moment.

What we do to help local authorities and landlords harmonize urban infrastructure and make 5G contribute to the budget

City sites beautification
- embedding BS in a public transport stop, bench, TV tower, water tower, a lightning rod, a bell tower, drones, balloons, roof tops
- architectural design and implementing of custom types of poles and towers (of any shape) that fit into urban/rural landscape and integrate with existing infrastructure, e.g. power lines, electric vehicle contact network.
Example of placing shelter under the pole
Smart city solutions
Smart city solutions
- Undeground shelters for EDGE and FOG computing
- Decreasing architectural noise
- 5G and Radiophobia challange
- Underpole shelters
- Small Cell and ADAS
- Smartpoles
- Undeground shelters for EDGE and FOG computing
Integrating power socket in the pole
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Landlords: Indoor and outdoor wireless infrastructure with DAS/ADAS
Distributed antenna systems - DAS & ADAS - solutions allow landlords to invest in developing indoor (within separate building) & outdoor (within the whole district) wireless infrastructure to later lease it for a long term to multiple mobile operators.

DAS implies placing communication equipment in the building and distributing antennas across floors. Solution is efficient for shopping centers, hospitals, stadiums. Less common in residential buildings. Using ADAS where antennas with integrated radio units are spaced and optically connected to the base stationis is more flexible, because many antennas can be spread out in optics and there is no signal loss at long distances.

The DAS/ADAS system grant various monetization schemes. Considering that subscribers are asymmetrically distributed in technologies and standards, you need to be flexible distribute bandwidth by operators and standards, and receive payment not only for placement, but also for the resource allocated in the system. It is possible to foresee the possibility for the operator to pay according to the Pay-as-You-Grow model. Payment model: fix for placement and resource in (A)DAS.
Since 2013 when we implemented LTE network for Tele2 in Moscow, Russia, we've been facing many challenges and have developed well working solutions listed

Designing infrastructure
for wireless

Dual-purpose poles (cell sites integrated with light poles, electrical grid pillars, etc.)
For providing this solution we have engineered more than 20 typical towers and poles that combine cell sites with existing infrastructure objects, e.g. light poles, electric main, electric transport contact network, to save architectural view of the city by minimizing the number of towers and to low deployment time.

Large amount of poles of typical design seems to be easy to deploy, however building a geographically distributed network smoothly integrated with the city infrastructure entails complex calculations sometimes going beyond the norms for satisfying results.

Only thoroughness of methods and assessments and risks management allow to deliver competitive characteristics of:
- survival wind speed - 115 km/h
- weight - 2,9 tons
- max equipment surface area (on top) - 2,2 m2
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Underground shelter (subterranean data center & beautification)
We have invented to safely and secretly locate communication facilities exposed to external influences, e.g. thefts, accidents, corrosion, vandalism, within subterranean data center equipped with automated engineering systems and designed for easy access for staff.

Its space could be shared by network operators placing base stations, host companies with their EDGE servers, ISPs with routers and repeaters, power engineers with power points and electricity meters, etc. And towercos can get additional rent.

Shelter can be buried almost anywhere in the city within 24 hours and antenna or loudspeaker mast can be placed directly on the top of it.
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Cylinder antenna (site sharing & beautification)
We were first in Moscow, Russia in 2018 to install cylindrical antenna on the 28m pole and provide site sharing solution for MTS and Megafon network operators.

Having experimented with several vendors we've worked out designs and calculations that ensure high level performance for antennas' setting range and camouflaging with the environment.

As a result our customers get reducing costs and accelerating installation processes.
Where logistics issues and hindered access to energy grid start to impose restrictions energy efficient and easy deployment solutions come into play

Design solutions
rural areas

Low-cost composite (fiberglass) poles
Solution to decrease price of deploying sites in 'low ARPU' areas, light weight makes installation possible without a crane.
Benefits are:
- lightweight (less than 300 Kg)
- survival wind speed - 133 km/h
- up to 14m height
- universal basement
- easy equipment installation: less clamps, easy drilling
- easy mount
- scrap sustainable
- no corrosion
As a result:
  • Lightweight composite poles allow erection by means of 2 specialists and sky lift without a crane. Some models could be installed even manually (2 people needed for a 100kg pole)
  • They could be used in any climate zone do not require expensive crane rental + work permission for the crane in the area
Our production line provides fast manufacturing and delivers globally.
Site backup on hydrogen fuel cells
PEMFC hydrogen fuel cells provide wide range of applications, some of them were successfully tested and implemented by our team:

- 'Silent diesel' - power supply from a small-sized plant in case of an accident on the power grid. The solution is applied in urban areas for silent works at night time.

- long-term electricity supply for remote base stations with hindered or missing access to electrical grid because of high cost or landscape features: mountains, deserts, difficult terrain.

- temporary power supply for the time of communication line laying - in case when instantaneous base station start is needed.

- use of hydrogen fuel cells instead of batteries for site backup. They do not need maintenance, low risk of theft (unlike batteries in disadvantaged areas), quick (only 5 minutes to change the hydrogen cylinder) and easy charging at discharge
Solution description - PDF
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Meet our team
We are a team of civil & telecom engineers and tower constructors with extensive interdisciplinary experience
Evgenia Ryabchikova
CEO & cofounder
George Vinogradov
CTO & cofounder
Lada Sofronova
Chief engineer
Marina Maslo
Engineer Estimator
Roman Ivanov
Business development manager
Timur Narimanov
Chief Electronics Engineer
Kirill Didenko
Electrician engineer
Our partners
We wouldn't be so productive without our precious partners in Europe
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Corporate headquaters (UK)
9 Edgefield Close, Beckenham, BR3 1 DJ, the United Kingdom
+44 7565 382286, vg@consso.com
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